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Q: Does Warwick have murder holes
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How big were medieval murder holes?

what is the commen size of murder holes in centimeters ?

What defenses does warwick castle have?

It has a portcullis and murder holes as defensive features. The murder holes were used to throw nasty things like waste and dead people down from to stop or injure any enemies from entering the castle.

What are the disadvantages of murder holes?

You could fall through the holes and possibly to your death or enemies.

What parts the medieval castle defenses?

Murder holes, tall towers, arrow holes, and thick walls.

Who killed Richard Warwick in 'The Unexpected Guest' by Agatha Christie?

In Agatha Christie's play "The Unexpected Guest," it is ultimately revealed that Richard Warwick was killed by his wife, Laura Warwick, with the help of her lover, Michael Starkwedder. They staged the murder to look like a suicide committed by someone else.

What are murder holes?

murder wholes where big wholes in the ground used to kill people in the medieval times. the people were but in these holes to either in boiling water or to starve to death. Actually, that's almost completely incorrect. Murder holes were holes from the roofs of castles where defenders poured boiling water or other things of that nature down upon attackers. They were often between two gates, because they could leave the first gate open, and when the attackers moved to the next gate to break it down, they could lower the first one, trapping them inside and making it impossible to escape from the murder holes. They were a huge part of castle defense.

Where is the warwick castle built?

warwick castle is built in the city of warwick

Where is the Warwick Public Library in Warwick located?

The address of the Warwick Public Library is: 600 Sandy Lane, Warwick, 02889 8298

In what town is warwick castle England?

It is in Warwick. That is why it is called what it is called. Warwick is the place name.

What is the term for people from Warwick?

Warwick castleWhile

What location was warwick castle built in?


When was Warwick created?

Warwick was created in 914.