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No, it does not.

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Q: Does a bassoon play high notes?
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How low can the bassoon go?

The bassoon's lowest note is low b flat which you can play by holding all of the notes.

What notes does the oboe play?

It plays every note. The Oboe is a double reed instrument and has a 4 - 5 octave range. If you can hear low and high notes the Oboe can play them. The bassoon plays the lower octaves, it is also a double reed instrument.

How do you play the bassoon?

Blow through the reed, and cover the right holes to produce different notes.

Can a clarinet player play the bassoon?

yes because they are both woodwinds and use about the same notes

How do you play loud on a bassoon?

Playing "loud" on the bassoon is all about air support, a good embouchure, and a good reed. You can't play loud if any of them are missing. Typically when bassoon players play loud they want to drop their jaw which causes them to go flat, especially on the low notes, so be sure not to do much change to your embouchure. Loud on the bassoon is mainly caused by air support. A good air stream with plenty of pressure and wind will cause you to play "loud" on the bassoon.

What do you call a person that plays the bassoon?

Typically the double bassoon (or contrabassoon) is given to the third or fourth chair bassoon, leaving the principal bassoon to play the 1st bassoon part and the 2nd chair bassoon to play the 2nd bassoon part. In some cases the double bassoon part is an auditioned spot, meaning that someone specifically auditioned for the double bassoon.

Where can you find notes for bassoon?

In a music book for bassoon. I have also found music online. You could also ask your music teacher or go to a music store although most music stores do not carry bassoon music. If you would like music to play you can play trombone or baritone B.C. music which is what I do. I hope this helps you!

Where can you find a bassoon?

i have a bassoon and i play it very well

How octaves does a bassoon have?

A bassoon can play 4 octaves.

Why cant i play high notes on sesame street theme on the trombone?

To play high notes you have to tighten your lips and blow hard

What notes does a bassoon play?

A bassoon has exactly a three octave range. The range extends from a low B-flat below the bass clef staff, the B-flat-1 on a piano, and goes up to the B-flat-4 above middle C.

Can you play a bassoon with an oboe reed?

I'm certain it will make a noise but it won't play nearly as well with a bassoon reed.