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No Finches will gather with other birds at feeders and the feeder can be placed with other species specific feeders.

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Q: Does a finch feeder need to be isolated from other feeders?
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How do you get rid of large numbers of nuisance starlings while still keeping song birds?

Solutions for getting rid of Starlings by providing a variety of feeders that they cannot feed from, but other birds can utilize: 1. Use a nyjer or thistle tube feeder, which is a specially designed feeder with tiny feeding ports for this very small seed. Starlings prefer other seed and find tube feeders difficult to manage easily. This type of feeder, depending on where you live, will attract small birds such as American Goldfinch, House Finch, and Chickadee. 2. Use tube feeders designed to hold mixed seed such as sunflower seed, shelled peanut or white millet etc. If you find the Starlings are still able to use the perches to access the seed, cut the perches a little shorter until they are unable to sit on them. This will not hinder the smaller birds. 3. Use peanut in the shell feeders which have bars or mesh with large holes to hold the food. Starlings find it very difficult to use this style. 4. Use an upside-down suet feeder that will attract clinging birds such as Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and Chickadees, but not Starlings who are unable to hold on. 5. Use safflower only in a hopper type bird feeder as Starlings are not usually attracted to this seed, but Cardinals are attracted by it. For more info visit

Why is the Zebra Finch and Society finch grooming each other?

i know mine too strange

What other type of finches can zebra finches live with?

You can keep your zebra finch together with other birds as long as they aren't too much bigger than them. Anything far larger than them will bully them and attack them. They seem to be okay with other pet finch species and canaries. I wouldn't keep them with budgies though. They will get aggressive towards your finch.

What do you think blue jays do if they want to eat from a bird feeder where other birds are eating?

i think shoo it away

What eats a finch?

people and other birds. they usually fly away when ground predators come.

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Give difference between distributor and feeder from design point of view?

There is no tapping from the feeders. In other words, the current loading of a feeder is the same along its entire length.Various tappings are taken from the Distributors. Hence, a distributor has distributed current loading along its entire length.

How do you keep squirrels away?

Squirrel feeders are one option for keeping squirrels away from bird feeders and other parts of the property.Specifically, squirrels really love nuts, especially those of the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra). It is possible to set up a feeder or feeding corner with a squirrel mix that is store-bought or homemade. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep squirrels away from a feeder or area of the property that has gotten their attention.

Why is a male hummingbird perched on a shrub near feeder for hours?

Sometimes a bird will guard a feeder and not let other birds come near. Not always a male. I have 7 feeders every year and one is off to the side of the others for a female that has guarded it during the migration for the last two years!

When to put out humming bird feeders?

They will feed when they return return from their migration. They will return in the spring as soon as the flowers bloom. Putting out a sugar water feeder should help attract them when they return.

What is electrical feeder?

Feeders are commonly used to supply power to or from a radio antenna. A feeder can be a pair of parallel wires with closely controlled spacing (twin-wire feeder), or a single wire inside a hollow cylindrical conductor (coaxial feeder. <<>> In Canada the electrical term "feeder" is usually used incorrectly as a substitution for the terms wire or conductor. It is correctly defined is, any portion of an electrical circuit between the service box or other source of supply and the branch circuit over current devices. In the U.S. of A, a feeder definition taken directly from the National Electrical Code: All circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device.

How do you get rid of large numbers of nuisance starlings while still keeping song birds?

Solutions for getting rid of Starlings by providing a variety of feeders that they cannot feed from, but other birds can utilize: 1. Use a nyjer or thistle tube feeder, which is a specially designed feeder with tiny feeding ports for this very small seed. Starlings prefer other seed and find tube feeders difficult to manage easily. This type of feeder, depending on where you live, will attract small birds such as American Goldfinch, House Finch, and Chickadee. 2. Use tube feeders designed to hold mixed seed such as sunflower seed, shelled peanut or white millet etc. If you find the Starlings are still able to use the perches to access the seed, cut the perches a little shorter until they are unable to sit on them. This will not hinder the smaller birds. 3. Use peanut in the shell feeders which have bars or mesh with large holes to hold the food. Starlings find it very difficult to use this style. 4. Use an upside-down suet feeder that will attract clinging birds such as Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and Chickadees, but not Starlings who are unable to hold on. 5. Use safflower only in a hopper type bird feeder as Starlings are not usually attracted to this seed, but Cardinals are attracted by it. For more info visit

Why place your bird feeder on your veranda?

It is up to you where you put bird feeders. To attract more birds you may have to put it near to their natural habitat and near to where they can find cover. On the other hand you may want to put them where you can see them easily.

How do you get rid of the cowbirds at a bird feeder that are keeping the other wild birds away?

Just scare it away OR you can build another bird feeder This is not an answer. We have several feeders and they fly to all of them and keep all the birds away. Obviously you're not an expert. According to the staff at WBU--stop using black oil sunflower seeds--in fact clean out the feeders to no smell or residue is left. I did this and almost all my cowbirds are gone. They are feeding on what they find that was left on the ground. I had dozens and now it is down to a couple every now and then

What do you do if your feeder fish has bumps on its scales?

If you are using the feeder fish to feed other fish with then I would toss them right away. If you plan on keeping them a while then I would treat your tank with fungus treatment or parasite treatment. More then likely they have one or the other. I would not let any of your more expensive fish eat them and take the risk of losing your bigger fish over a 10c fish. I got some feeders today and when I got home I noticed they all had bumps either on them or inside them and the feeders are for my big oscar and flowerhorn fish and i took the fish back because i wasn't about to risk losing my other fish. Good Luck

Can you put a betta and bottom feders in a tank together?

Yes you can put a Betta and bottom feeders together in the same tank. I have two Chinese algae eaters and one male Betta in a 5gl tank and no one bothers each other. The bottom feeders need plants (preferable LIVE) and rocks or something they can hide under and sleep in themselves. I also have a Betta hammock (fake leave with a suction cup to attache to the side of the tank) that you can get at any pet store. My male Betta loves the hammock! One bottom feeder lives in a live plant and the other bottom feeder lives under a rock.

What kind of animal is a bottom feeder?

Bottom feeders refer to fish who live at the bottom of the ocean (or at the bottom of some other body of water) and who eat whatever they can find-- they are often scavengers, in other words. Some examples are shrimp, crabs, snails, carp, and grouper. The term "bottom feeder" is also a slang term (one that is quite negative) used in pop culture to refer to a person who is disreputable and tries to capitalize on, or profit from, the misfortunes of others.

What is epistrate feeder?

epistrate is a general term for (micro)organisms that grow on surface of differnt substrates. e.g., microscopic algae and bacteria growing on pebbles or covering the bottom of a river. thus, epistrate feeders are organisms that feed on epistrate. e.g., nematodes and other meiobenthic organisms.