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Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel.

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Q: Does anyone have the words to the song Simontov and Mazel tov?
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