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Yes, As an adult the mourning cloak butterflies hibernate for the winter

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Q: Does the mourning cloak butterfly hibernate?
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Related questions

Does montana have a state insect?

Yes. Montana's state insect is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) Butterfly.

How long for a mourning cloak caterpillar to build a cocoon?

it takes about 10 to 14 days for a mourning cloak butterfly to get out of cocoon.

What does a mourning cloak butterfly eat?

The adult mourning cloak butterfly drinks tree sap and the juices from decaying fallen fruit. The larvae (caterpillars) eat leaves of elm trees, willow, poplar and floss silk trees.

Are butterflies purple?

yes the mourning cloak butterfly is purple-black with blue spots and a yellow stripe

What are Montana's state symbols?

The grizzly bear is the state animal. The western meadowlark is the state bird. Mourning cloak butterfly is the state butterfly. Bitterroot is the state flower. "Montana" is the state song.

Is a butterfly an endangered specie?

There are some endangered butterfly species and subspecies, but most of them, including the familiar monarch, tiger swallowtail, and mourning cloak are not endangered.

When does a butterfly really hibernate?

Very few types of butterflies hibernate. Most of them just die off in the winter, leaving their eggs to hatch and start a new generation the next year. The monarch is the one species that migrates southward for the winter. Only the tortoiseshells, mourning cloak, and a few anglewings actually "hibernate" as adult butterflies and come back out in the spring.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Insect Species the Mourning Cloak Butterfly?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Nymphalis antiopa.

What species of butterfly has the longest lifespan?

There are very many different species of butterflies in the world. The monarch butterfly is the oldest known butterfly in the world.

What are Montana's symbols?

The grizzly bear is the state animal. The western meadowlark is the state bird. Mourning cloak butterfly is the state butterfly. Bitterroot is the state flower. "Montana" is the state song.

What is the State animal for Montana?

Animal- grizzly bear. Fish- blackspotted cutthroat trout. Butterfly- mourning cloak. Bird- western meadowlark

What are Montana's representations of symbols?

The grizzly bear is the state animal. The western meadowlark is the state bird. Mourning cloak butterfly is the state butterfly. Bitterroot is the state flower. "Montana" is the state song.