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Timpani are also known as kettle drums and are, well... drums. They don't have reeds of any kind.

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Q: Does timpani have double reeds
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How many reeds does a bassoon have.?

it only has one reed but the have double-reeds

What too kinds of reeds are there?

I suspect you are referring to single reeds (clarinet and sax) and double reeds (oboe and bassoon).

What are the two types of reeds?

Assuming you're referring to woodwinds, not organ patches... You have single reeds and double reeds. Singles are used by saxaphone players and Clarinet players. Double reeds are used by Oboe players and bassoon players. Sources: I'm with the band.

What are the insruments with double reeds?

Bassoon and oboe

What are the two kind of woodwind instment?

There are three main categories: single-reeds, double-reeds, and flutes.

What is a similarity between double and single reeds?

Double and single reeds are practically the same except that the fact that a double reed is two single ones conjoined that makes a little hole at the top. Also, double reeds can produce a sound while it is not connected to an instrument while a single reed cannot.

What two woodwind instruments are considered double reeds and were invented in France?

The two windwoods that has reeds are,the saxophone and clarnet

What 2 reeds are there?

single reed and double reed

What has a double reed in the woodwind family?

The Oboe, the English Horn and the Bassoon have double reeds.

What are some things that were invented between 1600 and 1750?

some inventions made in 1600-1750 are musical instruments the years 1600-1750 is caled the baroque some instruments made in the baroque are ...... -Strings -Double Reeds -Flute -Harpsichord -Horn -Percussion- Timpani -Trumpet -String Bass -Clarinets

What instrument family does the OBOE come from?

double reeds or woodwinds

What is the difference between oboe reed and clarinet reeds?

oboes are double reeded instruments whereas clarinets use single reeds