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causing a serious accident while driving

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Q: How can a persons driver license be automatically suspended in Texas?
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A person's driver license will automatically be suspended if convicted of?

A person 's driver license will automatically be suspended if convicted of?

6What would happen to the license of a driver who was involved in an accident and did not stop to help persons who were injured?

the driver's license would be suspended.

What can you get your drivers license suspended for?

Your driver license may be suspended for:

Can you lose your drivers license for driving in Pennsylvania with a suspended registration?

Your driver's license will not be suspended in Pennsylvania if you have a suspended registration. A driver's license can be suspended for driving without insurance or if you get a DUI.

If you refuse to take blood urine or breath test to determine if you are under the influence you will automatically what?

Your drivers license will be suspended.

If my driver's license is suspended in one state can I get a driver's license in California?


Can I get my Washington State Driver's License if my Florida Driver's License is suspended?


Can you get an Arizona Driver's license if your California Driver's license is suspended?

No, you can't.

What state can you get a driver license in if you have a suspended Indiana driver license?


What would happen to the license of a driver who was involved in an accident and did not stop to stop to help persons who were injured?

The person's license will be suspended or revoked, and they will be subject to criminal prosecution.

Can you get a driver's license in AZ if your license is suspended in IL?


Can you get your Washington State Driver's License if my Indiana Driver's License is suspended?

No, you cannot.