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pranayam is the best pratice for making melodious voice. Do sinhasana, bhramari,ujjyaai, udgeet pranayam daily at least 10 minutes each for making melodious voice .

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Q: How can you make your voice melodious for singing?
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The qwote her voice was as beautiful as a singing bird a metaphor?

Yes, the phrase "her voice was as beautiful as a singing bird" is a metaphor because it compares the beauty of the person's voice to the beauty of a singing bird, highlighting the melodious and pleasant quality of her voice.

What is a sentence using the word melodious?

Hannah had a melodious voice that made everyone fall in love with her.

How do you know when a person can sing well?

If the voice of the person sounds melodious to your ears, giving you goosebumps and skipping your heartbeats, then their singing is magnificent.

How do you make your voice very melodious and sweet for singing?

1. practise ! 2. dont shy 3. always ready to sing if anybody says 4. be confident 5. discover your own voice 6. take everybody compliment

How do you get on the voice?

Make a voodoo of you singing and send it to them

How can you use the word melodious in a sentence?

One of the effective ways to use melodious in a sentence is by using it in a simile. Ex. Her voice was as melodious as the song of the nightingale. The melodious symphony hushed like the sound of the wind rustling dried leaves.

What do you mean by lilting songs?

Iy means smooth, rythmic or singing with a melodious quality

Does everyone have a singing voice?

everyone has a singing voice

How do you make your voice waver when singing?

it is called vibrato

Can singing make you loss your voice?

Singing can make you lose your voice. This can be avoided by properly warming up the vocal chords before singing and resting the voice if it feels strained or tired. If you have already lost your voice, you should rest it until completely recovered before attempting to sing again in order to prevent further damage.

How can you make your singing voice better?

Well on America's Got Talent auditions this will sound gross but this lady drank olive oil but it helped her singing voice

Is it true that if you eat drawing chalk your singing voice will become more powerful?

No, but it will make your voice softer