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Q: How can you not get puffy when it is blowdryed is gets puffy when it is air dryed it is puffy what should i do?
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Should I get angry with my husband. I hate when he overreacts and calls my adult sons names. I always defend them and he gets angrier when I defend them. Should I leave him we have been married 24 yrs?

Mirracle worker

What is Selena gomez's starndoll user name?

if you mean stardoll i dont belive she has one but if she gets one it should just be Selena Gomez

What Is Where Are You Now about Justin Bieber?

This song is about his family, he never gets to see them because of the tours and concerts and recording. I feel bad for him.... you all should be too... comment! o_O

What is the answer to the twelve brats of Christmas worksheet?

The trick to this worksheet is to look out for what the 12 brats are wearing. The first one, Roz is wearing glasses and she gets the theater passes. Notice here that glasses and passes ryhme. The same goes for the other brats. Here's the answer key: * Roz is wearing glasses and she gets the theater passes * Beth is wearing mittens and she gets the kittens * Mokton (is this name right? it's blurry on my sheet) has a hat and he gets the baseball bat * Shelby has a tie and he gets the pie * Louise has a robe and she gets the globe * Lance has a collar and he gets the dollar * Dave is wearing sandles and he gets the candles * Wallace has zippers and he gets the flippers * Sue has pockets and she gets the lockets * Nancy has a sling and she gets the ring * Bubby has a jacket and he gets the racket * Harold is wearing sneakers and he gets the speakers

Imagine you re reading a story When a character gets nervous you get nervous When he or she gets angry you get angry When he or she gets sad you get sad The author has made you with that?


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What happens when you don't take care of your hair?

you get spilt ends and it gets dryed out

What should you do if a cut gets red and kind of puffy?

Wash it with soap and water and then put on some antibacterial cream and a bandaid.

What happens if nail polish gets in eyes?

Your eyes get red and puffy.

Why is the scrotum's puffy?

The Scrotum (the sac - like pouch that holds the male's testicles) gets puffy when the testicles draws upwards toward the bladder. This happens when the male human gets either wet, cold, arouse (excited), or is thinking in terms of sex.

Do cumulus produce rain?

Yes. These are the puffy ones, right? The clouds have to have enough mass to hold the weight of water, which gets pretty heavy.

How did the gold get into the hills?

Most gold gets into hills by volcanic activity from several million years ago that deposited the gold before forming a layer of dryed lava over the top which vegetation then grew over.

Do cumulus clouds produce rain?

Yes. These are the puffy ones, right? The clouds have to have enough mass to hold the weight of water, which gets pretty heavy.

The condition known as stye is?

its when your eye gets puffy and red and its bad. It's also contaigous if youtouch your eye then someones hand and then they touch their eye they can get it too

What is bird leg syndrome?

It is when a lack of gravity allows the body's fluids to move out of the legs, making them look spindle-like. The excess fluid moves into the head, causing puffy faces. After a few days the body gets things sorted out and the puffy face goes away. See the link I am posting below.

What things can't you eat when you have an expander?

you normally cant eat gum it gets stuck,corn,bread is hard to swallow and you sometimes will have to spit it out so you dont choke and and hard sticky candy and cheeto puffs or puffy stuff gets stuck and POPCORN

What does satchelmouth mean?

It is when you eat a lot of muffins or other food, its usually muffins, they are from a sack, although now a days bags are exceptable and your mouth gets puffy and in severe cases it can explode

Why does sealed package on ham puff up?

It gets puffy because the air that was in there with the meat got old and since it was vacum sealed no new air can get in it but im sure the meat is fine