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well, first off to scream louder, you must first learn to scream properly or else you cant get any louder. so if you got the pushing from your diaphragm thing down then to make your scream louder and more powerful you have to actually do stomach excersices... this may sound like bull crap but its actually true. have you noticed how all of the powerful screamers are rlly tough looking, or at least have strong stomach muscles, such as august burns red, god forbid, all that remains,etc. but it rlly depends on your type of music. like if you've noticed that oli Sykes is VERY skinny but can still scream, its because he uses a screaming technique called false chord screaming that doesnt involve your diaphragm very much. just your false vocal chords.the weaker your stomach muscles are, the harder you have to push from your diaphragm and the stronger your stomach muscles are, the less you have to push (but if you push rlly hard with strong stomach muscles, it will come out rlly loud and clean :)

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How can you make your scream better and louder?

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The biggest difference is that in screamo, even though some of the lyrics are considered "emo" the vocalist(s) will actually scream some or all of the lyrics.

What is an exmaple of screamo music?

Screamo is a genre of music where the vocalists scream either some or all of the lyrics. The lyrics usually include emotionally charged content. Some Screamo/Post Hardcore bands are: Silverstein The Used Thursday Pierce The Veil Alesana etc.

What does screamo mean?

nothing i do it. it just means you like to do a false chord scream. there are in hales and exhales. i do inhales and people say that it damages your vocals more but that it incorrect. its so much fun and if you dont scream already you totally should! just my opinion. but anyways their isn't any meaning its just a music genre. :)

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they can scream louder than any animal

What happens to the frequency and Amplitude when you scream?

amplitude increases (louder the sound is, bigger is the amplitude)

How can I learn how to screamo scream if I am a girl?

Anyway a guy can! Its not hard just find tutorials on youtube and you should be able to squeal like a pig like i can.

What does 'imma make her bust' mean?

Its basically the same thing as " popping the cherry " on a girl but you scream louder.

What the heck is screamo music?

Screamo is a genre of music where the vocalists scream either some or all of the lyrics. It coneys raw emotion, so people like listening to it because it helps them express themselves. The lyrics usually include emotionally charged content.