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you memorize it in your head then play it off by heart

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Q: How can you tell what note is being played without notes in front of you?
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Are all notes on a violin open notes?

No. There are 4 open notes. Open notes are played on strings without the use of your left hand to change the pitch. G, D, A, and E strings can all be open Notes.

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You can't.

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Accidentals go in front of the notes.

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Musical notation indicating a piece must be played smoothly without breaks between notes?

slur :)

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Violin 2 means that there is an orchestra in the music being played, but different notes. There are Violin 1, Violin and Violin 3, but played in different times, notes, depending on the music sheet they have.

What does the musical term articulation mean?

The mannerism in which it is played ... how well one "articulates" the notes, thus making them clear and precise, setting them apart from one who plays notes without any feeling or interpretation.

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Can you teach your dog to perform tricks when it hears different notes on a flute being played?

Maybe.It depends on what type, age etc.