

Best Answer

Lavish and gaudy jumpsuits, with large collars and capes.

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Q: How did Elvis Presley hide his massive weight gain?
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How did Elvis hide his massive weight gain?

Lavish and gaudy jumpsuits, with large collars and capes.

Why did Elvis gain weight?

because he likes penut butter and bunnana sandwiches

Does heated corn in India makes you fat?

Yes it will make you gain massive weight

Is there any major side effect for taking Hokkaido slimming pills?

They cause massive weight gain.

Does chewing gum cause weight gain?

Gum itself is so low-calorie (around 3-5 calories a piece) that it would require a massive quantity to contribute to any significant weight gain.

Is Remeron addictive?

Heh. No only it is NOT addictive, but it ranks as the second most hated psychiatric drug after Zyprexa, due to its massive weight gain.

Do you gain a lot of weight all at once during pregnancy?

You gain weight over time. As the baby grows it gains you consume food for yourself and the growing baby which may result in high fatty content entering your body...this means even more weight unless you plan to eat a massive amount of food to stock up for your baby. The answer is no.

How drugs can harm you?

Drugs cannot harm you. They can only kill a lot of brain cells, damage your kidneys, heart, lungs. It can lead to heart failure, laziness, lack of teeth and hair. It can also KILL YOU. But no, there is no real evidence that a drug could harm you.

When you eat sweets do you gain weight?

Yes you do gain weight.

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does cherry gain weight

What is the role of insulin in weight gain?

Weight Gain Is a common side effect of Insulin

Can chlamydia cause weight gain?

While people with chlamydia may gain weight, chlamydia does not itself cause weight gain.