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Ziggurats are constructed of clay brick. In the desert regions of Mesopotamia, all you needed was dirt, water, and the sun. All of those materials were bountiful in the area they lived in.

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Q: How did Sumerians get their material to the building site to build the ziggurats?
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What materials did the sumerians build?

The Sumerians are known for building ziggurats that were close to the sky to be closer to heaven.

Why did the sumerians build ziggurats as their tallest building?

Maybe because it meant a lot to them and cared more about them

Why did the sumerians build ziggurats?

to honor the gods

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What did Mesopotamians build?

The Mesopotamians famously built ziggurats.

The building ziggurats?

the slaves built the ziggurats and if your wondering it took over 180 slaves to build a ziggurat

What was the Sumerians step pyramids housing?

Unlike the Egyptians, the Sumerians did not build pyramids, instead they built Ziggurats. These Ziggurats were huge structures, made of brick and comparable in size to a pyramid. In appearance they resembled a step pyramid. But they were not tombs, these were temples, sometimes with terraces planted with trees, scrubs and flowers. Similar in use to pyramid temples in the Americas.

When ziggurats built?

They were build about in 1854

How do ziggurats show that relegeion was important to the sumerians?

They didn't have modern materials like iron in a grand scale, steal or concrete. Ziggurats were made with mortar bricks as an ingenuity of ancient times. Most ziggurats were temples. Temples were originally built on platforms. During the third millennium B.C., these were made higher and bigger. Eventually it was decided to build even higher temples on platforms which were stepped.

What is the best material to build a building from?

People have their different opionions on this.

Who invented the ziggurat?

The first Ziggurat was make by Nebbacanezer II in about 2000 B.C.

What is a cheap durable material that can be used to build a many leveled building?
