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Well, when you look a seals at the land you would think that they are quite lame animals and almost good for nothing but the scene is really different when you have their look in water. They are really good swimmers (which means good hunters). They are almost like fishes ,so its easy to catch their prey.

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Q: How do seals get their food?
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Harp Seals find food by using their whiskers.

How do seals eat their food?

Seals swallow their food whole with the head of the food first. Their teeth are only designed for grasping their food, not chewing.

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Does a leopard seal always have enough food?

No. the leopard seals need to hunt for their food. their food is mostly penguins. most of the penguins escape and the leopard seals have no food

What do seals have to worry about in cold water?

In cold water, seals have to worry about food supplies and predators. There are several animals that eat seals including polar bears and orcas or killer whales. Seals also have to worry about a lack of food.

What do seals when they perform in water?

the person feeds food and the seals do stuff and make sounds

Who killed the seals before the Antarctic Treaty was enforced?

Seals in the Southern Ocean have always been a key member of the short food chain there. Other animals that prey on seals took them as food.

Does seals eat penguins?

Yes, seals are predators of penguins and will hunt them for food. Penguins are a common prey for certain seal species, such as leopard seals and Antarctic fur seals.

What is the weddell seals main food source?

Weddell seals eat fish squid and krill

Why did people first start hunting seals?

People first started hunting seals for food

How do Hawaiian Monk Seals digest food?

Hawaiian monk seals eat eels, fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Seals swallow stones which some scientists think help break up fish bones because seals swallow their food whole.