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punch that btch in the cnt but you have to hit her pretty hard though. DO NOT miss if you miss run like hll

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Q: How do you deal with your older sister that is treating you like a slave?
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Why is it hard for an older sister to admit she wrong?

Because she thinks that since she is older, that she is wiser and doesn't make mistakes. It might make it easier for her to admit she is wrong if you don't make a big deal about it when she finally admits it.

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Well, i am an older sister. Ive done alot to of bad things, and made my sister promise not to tell my parents. But u shood worry about ur self. Not ur sister. Ur sister can deal with her own problems. But, if shes doing REALLY REALLY dangerous, or bad things u need to tell an adult. I Hope this helped :)

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Voted Democrat.

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Basically, the oldest child does everything first and the parents make a big deal out of it. Why shouldn't they, right? When my older sister got her license, it was a HUGE freaking deal. When my younger sister got her license, it was a big deal too because it was the last child to get their license. And when I got my license between the two... it was whatever, because I wasn't the first, nor the last. Just the middle. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

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you could confront her and ask her to stop. Or possibly work out a deal where you can borrow her stuff if she borrows your stuff. If none of this works out think about telling your parents what has been going on.

How do I deal with my horrid sister?

See the discussion for detail.

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well firstly do not scream at them just be calm . ask to them what did i do to you to say that and how can i make you fell better because most kids that say that want to just be left alone or have problems in their life for example bullying, harassment and some times jealousy over siblings eg brother, sister, older brother, older sister

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How do you make your older sister shut up?

Normaly the way I make my sister mad, is to make fun of her, like calling her names.