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Move everything up 12 frets. Don't forget that the 'nut' represents a string to be held down at the 12.

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Q: How do you extend the C scale up an octave from first position on Ukulele?
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Related questions

How old is the first ukulele?

It is believed that the first ukulele was made in 1879 in Hawaii by Portugese immigrants.

When was the first ukulele created?

in hawiia first

What is the first note of the octave?


Where are double bass scales played?

I think they are played in half, first and second position depending on which scale you're playing. Let the bass player answer. Scales are played in half, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and in fifth and a half positions, as well as the harmonic, depending on what scale you are doing and how many octives. If you are doing a one octave scale, it will most likely be all in first position and maybe in half position. If you are doing a two octave scale (or more), that is when you get into the higher positions, such as fourth, fifth and fifth and a half positions.

What is the name for the first eight lines of a sonnet?

The first eight lines of a sonnet are called the octave.

What year was the ukulele?

The Ukulele was believed to have been first made in 1880 in Hawaii. A group of Portuguese immigrants landed there in 1879 and had a Portuguese instrument called the machete with them. Several of the wood workers developed the ukulele using local materials.

What kind of ukulele should a beginner get?

A basic beginners' ukulele can be purchased inexpensively for less than $50. If you are serious about playing, I'd spend a bit more. There are dozens of good companies out there. My first 'new' ukulele was a Lanakai Tenor.

What is a 'e' on a alto - saxophone?

It depends a high 'e' would be the octave key the three first buttons and the first two on the bottom part. a low 'e' will be the same but without an octave key.

Did the ukulele come first or the guitar?

The banjo is older than the ukulele as the banjo was created between the 18th and 19th century by African slaves in the US whereas the ukulele was derived from Hawaii where it is believed Portuguese soldiers at the end of the 19th century introduced this instrument to the locals of Hawaii.

What does octave mean in music term?

An octave is a stepping stone, of sorts. On a viola, their are multiple notes that play 'a'. On the G String, first finger is 'low a' On the A string, open is 'a' They are separated by an octave. An octave is the distance between two of the same notes. To play a two octave scale, start with first finger D on the C String and end with Third finger D on the A string. The Viola has four strings: A, D, G, C. C is the lowest.

What is the name of the ukulele song in the film Australia?

The Ukulele song is listed in the credits of the film as "Boab Lullaby". Although it is not its own song on the soundtrack, it is at the beginning and end of "First Kiss".

How do you play highA on alto sax?

The first two buttons and the octave