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steam clean with vinegar then when dry sprinkle baking soda. Leave 4 a couple of hours and then vacuum. Change the air filter in your car once u have done that.

NEVER use your ashtrays in the car. You can go to a Hardware Store or places like Canadian Tire and get boxes that fit right into your ashtrays and then taken out if you should want to sell the car. Windows are bad for holding smoke because of moisture from being hot outside to cooling off in the evenings. Make sure the windows are clean. Vacuuming your car out once a week is a good idea. Febreze spray (at any grocery store) will get rid of the smell from tobacco smoke. As the above poster said steam cleaning your car inside is another good idea and should be done at least every couple of months. Febreze is excellent if you are smoking (don't smoke when you are picking up a passenger) and by giving your car a good misting (leave it for 10 minutes all closed up) then open the doors to let fresh air in a none smoker will not smell anything. I know, I use to smoke in my car and would do this and many of the people that were acquaintances of mine never knew I smoked. I also used Febreze in the house on sofas, carpeting, in the air, dog beds, etc.

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Q: How do you get cigarette smoke out of the inside of a car if you smoke?
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The Green Smoke cigarette is better than real cigarette, it has no tar in it but does have nicotine.

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Because a doggy licks the inside of your throat.

How smoke is released from cigarette?

smoke comes through the filter on the cigarette and into your lungs

When was Cigarette Smoke Phantom created?

Cigarette Smoke Phantom was created in 2002.

Is inhaling a cigarette like smoking it?

You can inhale the cigarette smoke, but not the cigarette. To smoke is to inhale the smoke when it's in your lips. You also can inhale the smoke when the cigarette smoke is near to your nose, or through your open mouth. But never try to do it. Smoking is very harmful.

How do you eliminate cigarette smoke from cars?

Shampoo the upholstery, carpet and the fabric interior roof, use window cleaner on the windows, use a cleaning solution on the doors and other solid surfaces inside the car. Use a leather cleaner if your seats are leather. If the smoker smoked with the car windows closed and the car reeks of tobacco smoke you cannot rid the car of the stench.

What is the effect of cigarette smoke on household plants?

If i test to see how cigarette smoke affects household plants, then it will be that cigarette smoke has shown to have an plants though it with oxygen.

Is cigarette smoke air pollution why?

Cigarette smoke is air pollution because it can harm people who breathe in the smoke

Why does your car smoke inside?

Because it's on fire.

Is cigarette smoke a suspension?

yes do not smoke