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Tell him you're sorry.

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Q: How do you get your boyfriend to come home after telling him you didn't want him anymore?
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get away from him ,and if he wants to come back say no .

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I assume you are female in which case I recommend you ask him to come back to you and while having sex with him bite his cock.

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He's probably been with you long enough now to know he feels it but doesn't think he needs to show it

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you should never cheat in the first place ANSWER: If I were you, I will even though he will not trust me anymore. There's a lot of consequences that will come out but at least your guilt will be lessen.

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First of all, it means that he is starting to feel guilty, or that he wants you to dump your boyfriend if you really like him. I think that you should pick which guy you like and stick with him, or just tell the your boyfriend that you don't want to see him anymore, because if he finds out you're cheating on him matters will be worse. Or if you like your boyfriend, you'd better tell the guy you're cheating with that you cant do it anymore. It's always best to tell the truth in this kind of situation, or the truth will come out in a way you don't want it to.

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Carlisle was always telling Edward that if they died they would go to heaven but Edward didnt believe him. He thought he was in heaven because Bella had come back to him.

Can anyone help you with this ow do you tell your parents you have a girlfriend because you want her to come over?

Yes tell your parents, it sounds realy silly but it isnt.I was worried about telling my mum at first but she didnt react in the way i thought she would. Dont be ashamed to have a girlfriend and dont worry about telling them they will probably be absolutely fine with it. :) good luck telling ur parents!

How do you tell a Girl you are Jealous of Her Boyfriend?

wow very good question well i would simply tell her the truth by telling ha how i feel but dnt freak her out or anything..just be real with her because sooner or later the truth is going to come out and it would be better if it came 4rm you.. -cyco more You come at this a mature way. You ask to speak to her about her relationship with her boyfriend, and you say that you are happy she have a boyfriend but it seems he have taken your spot in her life and you feel excluded. Tell her that you want things the way they use to be before she had a boyfriend. She will understand if you just talk to her about it and come with respect toward her and her boyfriend. -nookie