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God speaks, and that means we can hear him. But how can you hear him if you cannot recognize his voice, and how can you recognize his voice if you do not speak his language and how can you speak his language if you do not know him. God can be known and he can be understood. You will hear him if you allow his Spirit into your heart by accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour. Hmmm. I don't think God is limited to one language, nor do I think that God speaks to us audibly - that is to say aloud. He knows what we are thinking even before we think it. I believe that if you think what you did or are doing is wrong, then it is your conscience talking to you. Through your conscience, you are guided (or not) to do the good things that God has commanded. I believe that when your conscience bothers you, it is a way of God speaking with you.

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16y ago
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16y ago

If you foretell and the foretelling comes true every time. However, prophets as in the scriptures no longer exist, regardless of what folks tell you. God told us all He is going to tell us in HIS word. It is sufficient to know enough about HIS word that one can teach others and that calling and gift has to be from HIM>

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10y ago

It is generally believed that God is not currently calling prophets today. However, many people feel led to be a preacher or missionary which is very similar. Each individual has their own communication and relationship with God.

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13y ago


God creates each person for some specific purposes - whether they are good or evil people.

What a person is created for will be made easy for the person to do. It will be natural, and the person will have a desire to do it. In other words, he or she will enjoy doing what they are "called upon" to do.

So, if you enjoy imparting religious ideas and talking about them, and if you find it not only easy but even a pleasure to speak to people - as well as to counsel them in what God's Word is - then you have been called to preach.

The specific saying of the Prophet Muhammad on this is: "God makes easy for a person that which he was created to do".

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15y ago

if his statements sound fair and he seems a well-educated guy. he would be most likely o be a prophet

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14y ago

The lord can speak to you in three ways about your calling:
1-) By a Prophet
2-) And God himslef
3-) or in The Bible as well

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9y ago

You know if God is talking to you when you receive a revelation or a dream.

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Abseloutely not! Lots of people have strange visions and dreams and think that it is actually real life. Maybe God is trying to tell you something. I don't know if you're religious or not, but even if you're not, ask God why those visions or dreams are occuring and why do you feel like you're in them.

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i would just tell them the truth...if they already know that your family member is gay. just tell them that god says that you shouldn't be gay, and that they should know this. however, you should also tell them that, although god says you are not supposed to be gay, you still love your family member. hope that helped.

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