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Q: How do you know what solfege a note is if the starting note is above it?
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What is the note la?

La is positioned between sol and ti on the solfege scale of music. La is no particular note itself, but rather is assigned to a different note depending the key of the music itself. Solfege is typically used in music to help learn the skill of sight-singing, in which each note is sung as a syllable. By memorizing the position and relative distance between solfege syllables, it is possible to become skilled in singing a piece of music with no assistance other than the sheet of music itself.

What is the solfege syllable for D in the key of C?

The syllable is Re. D is the second tone up from the tonic note, which is C (and do), so it is Re.

What is the second note on a piano?

You can call it different things depending on your need. The second note is the supertonic, the full step just above the tonic. The tonic names the scale. In solfege the second note is Re (recall the song from The Sound of Music: Doe, a deer, a female deer...) Also, the second note has a specific name if you name the tonic that the scale starts with. In the scale of C, the second note is D, for example.

Is C major the key note for do in Solfege?

Any note can be do especially when warming up but most people use c to start there warming up and then move half steps up the scale and each new note becoming a do

What is a tone above a?

"A" is a musical note. A tone above "A" would be the note "B."

What note is a minor third above F?

The note is A flat.

What is a semitone note?

It is a note a half step above or below the original note (a sharp or flat).

Does tonic and doh mean the same thing in music?

Essentially, yes, although they are used in different contexts. "Tonic" is used in discussions about harmony and "do" or "doh" in solfege, the description of melody, but either way they mean the first note on a scale.

What note is a major third above A?


What is the frequency of the highest note on a pipe organ?

The lowest note is the G above middle C, and the highest is the A nine notes above that.

Which note is located one half step above F?

The note above F can be labelled as F sharp or G flat.

Is F sharp a tone or a semitone above F?

Any note which has the word 'sharp' in it is always a semitone above the given note.