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put it in your but and seat

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Q: How do you make a conclution about buble gum?
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Related questions

What gave Walter diemer the idea to make buble gum?

Walter Diemer created bubble gum by accident after he was toying with new recipes for chewing gum.

How is gum messy?

You step im it and find it under tables and even when you make the buble it sticks to your face and etc gum is gum and you cant really change it xD

Who created a freestyle stroke?

a buble gum did

Where can i buy bazooka buble gum?

better question: Where can you NOT buy bazooka bubble gum

What does the Earth's crust smell like?

like buble gum haha

What kind on gum is easiest to blow a buble with?

double bubble is the easiest to blow with.

Where is mount Mitchell located in the Appalachian mountain range?

know idea oh you should go on so fun lol my name is pink buble gum or pink buble gum 223443 both people are me

What is the treatment of swallowing buble gum of a kid?

let it pass. it won't do anything to the kid. from ben if you swallow any gum you wont die or anything just make sure its not a big peice or you wont be able to swallow it.

How is a bridge a weird cake that's a bridge?

it is oringina flavored buble gum and purple buffaloes

Buble gum costs 5 cents how many pieces can ali buy for 2.00?


What teeth is used for grinding and chewing next to your canines?

buble gum is the answer

What in the world made Walter diemer come up with the idea of buble gum?

walter died lol