I have played Gymnopedie on the piano- it is a very slow and thoughtful song. I recommend you get the notes right before memorizing this piece. You probably know a song, like Prelude in C by Bach. Well, that song has a pattern. This song, unfortunately, the pattern is not crystal clear, and is hard to memorize. NOT impossible, but a little tricky. If you put your time and effort, I think you can play this piece. Otherwise, if you have a teacher, they help a lot to fix mistakes you don't realize you make.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
level 10
I'm answering my own question. It was erik Satie. Gymnopedie no 1.
The first dotted half note is played with 3 beats!
he can play piano
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
level 10
Gymnopedie No.1 , by Erik Satie.
i think its "erik alfred leslie satie- gymnopedie no 1".
I'm assuming you mean the film "Man on Wire," which uses the Erik Satie piece "Gymnopedie No. 1"
I'm answering my own question. It was erik Satie. Gymnopedie no 1.
The first dotted half note is played with 3 beats!
The version by Frank Glazer from "Satie: The Essential Piano Works" and the version by Pascal Rogé from "Satie: Piano Music" are both excellent. At amazon at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001QA8W8K/ and http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000V6MTI4/ respectively.
How to play happy on the piano
He plays, guitar and piano
he can play piano
Piano Jouer du piano - to play piano