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It's pronounced la roo (the x is silent)

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Q: How do you pronounce la roux the singer?
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Related questions

Is nick roux related to la roux?

Nope.. La roux is a band.. The singer is elly jackson.. She's not related to nick roux in any way.

What is La Roux's nickname?

"La Roux" is already a nickname; the pseudonym of lead singer Elly Jackson.

Is la roux the female singer dead?

La Roux the band? No they are alive and doing well.

What country does the singer La Roux come from?


Who sings the song bulletproof?

la roux is the singer to bulletproof.

Is la roux the name of the band or the singer?

the band, the singer's name is elly Jackson

Who is the lead singer in la roux?

Eleanor Kate Jackson, (Elly Jackson) :)

Is la roux a girl?

It means red-haired-one. There is also a music group La Roux and of course the lead singer has red hair. It's somewhat an oxymoron because la is a feminine article while roux is the masculine form of the french word 'red'. Literally translated, la roux is "the red".

Are the bands Le Roux and La Roux the same band?

No. LeRoux (also know as Louisiana's LeRoux) is a cajun band that was first popular in the 70's. La Roux is a new act, with an androgynous female lead singer.

What is la roux actuall name?

La roux is a electro-pop duo, not just a singer! The girl with the red hair (La roux) is Elly Jackson, and the other is Ben Langmaid. they also have supporting band members who are called Michael Norris, William Bowerman, and Mickey O'Brien.

What is the release date of la roux?

La Roux, by La Roux, was released on June 25th, 2009.

What is La Rouxs address?

country England, city la roux, street la roux, number la roux!