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Q: How do you remove a dollar sign from a cash register?
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Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.

How do you spell regestier?

There are two related words:registernoun- a journal, or a totaling device (cash register)verb - to enroll, or sign up, or sign in at a hotelregistrarnoun - a person performing registration, or the official in charge of registration

What is the dollar sign used for?

money --> ([dollar] sign) <--

How do you get a giant eagle card?

when you buy something at the cash register just ask them where to go to sign-up for a giant eagle card some giant eagles have it at the register but most have you go to where they sell lottery tickets and that and fill out the paper work there to get your card.

How do you register to sell items on eBay?

go to and sign up with an account and then go from there

Can you see an Indonesian dollar sign now?

Indonesia's currency does not have a dollar sign.

What does register?

REGISTER: Sign up for something, such as register here so you have a username and full benefits instead of remaining a guest.

What is a dollar sign?

$ it is American dollar currency

How do you sign up in

You click on the register button and sign up for minecraft

How do you say 'register' in American Sign Language?

In American Sign Language, the sign for 'register' typically involves tapping the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other hand.

What is the sign for dollar?


How does one register for WikiAnswers?

you just go to where you usually sign in and it will see register and then u go there