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The lower pitched strings are larger and slightly looser than those of a higher pitch.

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Q: How do you think the strings that produce the low pichted sounds differ from the strings that produce the high piched sounds?
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Violin is the highest piched with it's E sting. It' strings from highest to lowest are: E, A, D, & G. The Viola is second highest with A, D, G, & C. The Cello has the same string set, with a slightly lower pitch. The lowest is the Bass, wich strings I THINK are G, D, A, & E.

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piched or broken wires, kills connection/short out between outlet and phone

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it need gas it running out of gas that's why...............................

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because he piched most of the games but i dont get how he got mvp

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Yes. They have a high piched voice. If your wondering why they don't talk very much is because they were born with strep throat.