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First nuclear reactions always involve the nucleus and except for K capture beta decay never involve any of the electrons around the nucleus.

There are seven different types of ordinary nuclear reactions:

  1. fission, a massive nucleus splits into two lighter fragment nuclei (about 1/3 & 2/3 the mass of the original nucleus) and several free neutrons, fission can happen spontaneously in some isotopes (e.g. plutonium-240) but is usually triggered by the capture of a neutron, as fission always produces free neutrons it is possible to produce a neutron chain reaction to keep the process going
  2. fusion, light nuclei join forming a heavier nucleus, this reaction can only happen under conditions of very high temperature and pressure (causing the nuclei to be fully ionized, traveling at high velocity, and pressed tightly together) it is very hard to to get started and keep going (except deep inside stars) Note that fusion is the only one of these seven nuclear reactions that is affected in any way by the temperature or pressure of the environment it happens in
  3. alpha decay, a nucleus spontaneously ejects a helium nucleus (i.e. alpha particle)
  4. beta- decay, a neutron in the nucleus spontaneously transforms into a proton and the nucleus ejects an electron and an electron antineutrino
  5. beta+ decay, a proton in the nucleus spontaneously transforms into a neutron and the nucleus ejects an positron and an electron neutrino
  6. K capture beta decay, a proton in the nucleus spontaneously transforms into a neutron and the nucleus captures an electron from the innermost (i.e. K) electron shell and ejects an electron neutrino
  7. gamma decay, a nucleus in a metastable (i.e. excess energy) state spontaneously relaxes its proton and/or neutron shells to a lower energy state and ejects a gamma photon with an energy equal to the energy lost in the nucleus

However if you include other subatomic particles not present in ordinary matter (e.g. muons, antimatter particles, strange particles) a much wider and more confusing variety of nuclear reactions can happen that are beyond the scope of the original question. I will only mention one of these nuclear reactions: muon catalysed cold fusion. This is interesting because it permits the fusion nuclear reaction to happen at ordinary room temperature.

In muon catalyzed cold fusion the electrons around hydrogen nuclei are replaced with muons (particles identical to electrons in every way except that they have 200 times the mass), being much more massive than electrons their orbitals are much smaller. So much smaller that the nuclei can come close enough to each other at ordinary room temperature that the nuclei can fuse! The fusion energy release causes the product nucleus to lose its muons and become ionized. This process is called "muon catalyzed" because these free muons can now replace electrons around fresh hydrogen nuclei, repeating the nuclear reaction over and over without requiring any additional muons. The only problem with muon catalyzed cold fusion is that the muons required to begin this nuclear reaction are very expensive to produce.

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Q: How does a nuclear reaction take place?
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The nuclear reaction of the decay of protactinium?

231Pa---------alpha particle----------227Ac

Radioactive decay is chemical reaction or?

it is type of nuclear reaction because nucleus is involve in this type of reaction while in ordinary chemical reaction only valance electron of atoms involve

Which statement describes the differences between chemical reactions and nuclear decay rates?

Nuclear decay rates vary, but chemical reaction rates are constant

What is the difference between a nuclear decay from a chemical reaction?

Nuclear decay involves the contents of the atomic nucleus, the protons and neutrons. Chemical reactions involve the electrons.

Does nuclear radiation go away?

No, it doesn't.Wrong, it does. There are 2 types of nuclear radiation: prompt & decay.Prompt nuclear radiation occurs for a period of time while the reaction that generates it is happening. Examples are the flash of neutrons, light, x-rays, etc. when a nuclear bomb explodes as well as the sustained neutron flux as a nuclear reactor is in operation. When the reaction stops, prompt nuclear radiation goes away.Decay nuclear radiation occurs as radioactive isotopes decay to different isotopes. As the decay happens (which is a probabilistic process) the radioactive isotope is consumed. This follows an exponential function with one half of the current amount of the radioactive isotope consumed in each period of time called a halflife. While there will always be a tiny residue of the original radioactive isotope, for practical purposes it is considered to be negligible after 5 halflives have passed. When 5 halflives of the radioactive isotope decaying have passed, decay nuclear radiation is considered to have gone away for practical purposes.

Related questions

What type of reaction take place in a nuclear reactor?

Nuclear fission, not to be confused with fusion.

What kind of temperatures are requires for a nuclear fusion reaction to take place?

10,000,000 and up.

Can a substance be radioactive without a nuclear reaction taking place?

Yes, it is possible; disintegration is not considered a nuclear reaction.

Describe what takes place in a nuclear fusion reaction?

In nuclear fusion reaction two nuclei are combined by providing the energy.

Is there a place other then stars that have nuclear reaction?

Yes, they have accomplished nuclear fusion in a lab in Princeton.

Nuclear reaction taking place inside sun is called?

Nuclear fusion; hydrogen into helium.

What type of reaction takes place in stars?

a nuclear recation is formed

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nuclear fusion reaction

What is the place where controlled nuclear fission reactions take place?

In the core of a nuclear reactor

Which part of atom take part in nuclear reaction?

A nuclear reaction involves changes in the nucleus of an atom, and it is from the atomic nucleus that energy is released in a nuclear reaction.

How does the sun produce enagy?

The energy produced in the sun is liberated in the form of heat and light. The reaction going on in the sun is known as Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fission. Both processes take place simultaneously.

What type of nuclear reaction takes place in stars?

Nuclear fusion is the type of nuclear reaction that occurs in stars. Older stars with a collapsing center can exceed a temperature of one hundred million Kelvin.