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The image above is a swift fox.

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Related questions

How swift is a swift fox?

pretty swift.

What is the scientific name for swift fox?

The scientific name for swift fox is Vulpes velox.

What is the trophic level of a swift fox?

The swift fox is a secondary consumer.

Where is the swift fox found?

The map above illustrates the range of the swift fox.

Where is the swift fox in the food chain?

The swift fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.

Is a swift fox a primary consumer yes or no?

No, a swift fox is a secondary consumer.

Swift fox symbiotic relationships?

the swift fox has a symbiotic relationship with Steven Harper

How does the swift fox fur halp it to survive?

its so ready it gets its own food by its self

Is a swift fox an omnivore a herbivore or a carnivore?

The swift fox is an omnivore, it eats both plants and animals.

Who is skinnier Taylor swift or Megan Fox?

Megan fox

Does the swift fox eat ocelots?

The Swift fox eats rabbits and rodents, and also eat insects, small birds, lizards, amphibians and fish.

To which vertebrate group does the swift fox belong?

Swift foxes are mammals.