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the string vibrates so the sound goes into the box and the sound comes out in a better way

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Q: How does the cello makes its sound?
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How is the cello's sound produced?

When the Horse hair that are coated in rosin rub the strings, it makes sounds.

How does a cello make sound?

the vibrations from drawing the bow along the strings get turned into sounds inside the cello and come out the"f" shaped holes

What string instrument makes the lowest sound?

The cello makes the lowest sound of a string instrument.

What is the basic difference between a cello and an electric cello?

The basic difference between a cello and an electric cello is shape and sound. An acoustic cello amplifies sound naturally inside the hollow body sound-box of the instrument. The electric cello has a slightly different shape, no resonant chamber at all, and a unique tone.

What is a cello pickup?

you can get clip on pickups with amplafie the cello sound by detecting vibrations, or you can have them built in (electric cello).

How do cello make a sound?

the strings rub together and make the sound

Is the sound of the double base higher or lower than that of a cello?

The sound of a double bass is lower than that of a cello. While both are considered bass instruments, the cello has a higher tone within the bass range.

What produce a lower pitched sound a violin or cello?

A 'cello produces a lower pitch than a violin.

What produces a lower pitched sound a violin or cello?

A 'cello produces a lower pitch than a violin.

Is violin better than trombone?

The violin does not sound at all as the trombone because firstly it is a wood and the trombone a brass instrument and second, the violin is out of treble clef and the trombone out of bass clef (however, trombonists also read treble clef in brass bands and alto and tenor clefs in orchestras) The sound of the trombone is much more similar to the cello - deep and sonorous, slightly similar to a male singing voice.

When a string in the cello vibrates it produces a sound?


Which has the lowest pitch sound Cello viola or bass?

The bass has the lowest pitch of these instruments, followed by the 'cello and then the viola.