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Tupac's image on life and how it should be gave hope and meaning to people like me. To me tupac was a person exceeding far beyond expectations of people in his time and still today, he respected women, was a soldier, he knew what life is supposed to be like, he created a whole knew world with his brilliant mind in which everyone was happy and free of harm, drugs, violence, racism, and hatred. 4 me Tupac is a role model, and in allot of ways i am like him. I am different than the people around me, poetic, smart, and wonder in a different state of mind about life. Tupac was just a normal man with dreams he could accomplish and did. He knew what was going on with the poorer peoples lives he understood and cared. I pesonally will always look up to him as a person with no limits to impossibility, like teacher, like a brother, and most of all........"like me".............

You will be missed always TUPAC by your fans and by me most of all because of the impact you have had on my life, and the ways you helped me through the toughest of times, im just like you, the same person different time. Ive been through more than most people can imagine for being so young and understand the words and wisdom of this man. People look at him and think he is just a thug, they listen to his music with deaf ears not focusing on the lyrics and the message within. I have lived the "THUG LIFE" sold drugs, fought, ran from cops, stabbed, got stabbed, got shot at but its the only life i knew and had. Tupac showed me that life is meaningless dreams and fairytales are real u gotta believe in it with your heart. If in some way AFENI SHAKUR is reading this, all i have to say is, "YOU RAISED HIM RIGHT" you are a strong mother, and a strong woman, i admire you for your sacrifices and love, YOU ARE AMAZING.

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