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Typically a felony for anything is next to impossible to get expunged from your record if you were found guilty.

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Q: How long does felony stay on record for two duis?
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How long does a DUI stay on your record in San Diego?

DUIs, according to the DMV CA handbook, stay on record for at least 10 years.

How long does a Louisiana felony stay on your record?

A felony cannot be expunged from your record in Louisiana.

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Most felonies will stay on your record indefinitely.

How long does a felony stay on your record in Nebraska?

A felony stays on your record until it removed. You can have most felonies expunged from your record and have your civil rights restored.

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Your criminal history record is permanent.

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A felony conviction will remain on your 'record' indefinetly, until you have it expunged via Court order.

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A felony stays on your record for life. You could apply to the court to have it expunged.

How long will a felony stay on your record in New Hampshire?

Your felony will stay on your criminal record for the remainder of you life. However, you can get it expunged in some cases so it doesn't appear on a public background search.

How long does a felony stay on your record in Kentucky and can it be expunged?

Felonies are forever... Expunging a record is very difficult and very costly.