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Q: How long does it take to make a prosthetic limb?
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Can they not find why a lizard can make a new tail and help humans do the same?

Surely later as technology progresses, scientists may be able to find ways to make regrowth of a human limb possible, but for now, we have prosthetic limbs. Animal cells and Human cells are distinctively different, so this kind of research may take quite some time before the answer is completely clear.

How long does it take to cut your circulation off before you loose a limb?

When you can feel the heart beat in the area where circulation is being cut off, and/or the limb turns slightly a different color.

What does go out on a limb mean?

The expresion going out on a limb means to take a chance. For example if I want to sing in front of 1,000 people and I've never sang in front of anyone before than I would be going out on a limb.

How do you cuddle with someone who has a prosthetic?

Lets start off by asking, does the prosthetic bother you? You cuddle with them like you would with any other person who doesn't have a prosthetic. If you are more comfortable you could always ask for them to take it off. However my suggestion would be to get yourself accustomed to it. If you want to be with this person in the long run, this is now apart of his/her life as well as yours. :) Take it slow and express any concerns or fears. Cuddling can be a very good stress reliever! :)

Why do scientist and doctors study the biomechanics of others in order to make prosthetics?

Biomechanics relates to the physics behind human movement. Essentially a prosthetic limb's job is to immitate that of a real one. To do this scientists and doctors have to study the "physics" (movement patterns, levers, forces etc) behind real limbs to simulate them with fake ones. Biomechanics can also be used to make prosthetic limbs that have different properties to that of normal limbs, take the 100m in the paralympics using physics carbon limbs can be made to increase the efficiency of running therefore taking more energy into the next stride of the race. --Artificial Limbs

How long does it take to make crayons?

how long does it take to make a crayons

What the term for a device used to take place of a missing body part?


What is a sentence for the word limb?

1.) We can measure his heart rhythms, take his blood pressure and even amputate a limb.

What is the term for a device used to take place of a missing body part?


How to Decide If Prosthetics Are Right For You?

Choosing a prosthetic device if you are an amputee can be a daunting task. There is new technology coming out every day, so make sure to be up to date with the current devices. When choosing a device, be aware that with technology can become complex, so you may need to be prepared to learn how to use the device properly. Also, be aware there are always going to be limitations for you when you try to do things you used to be able to do before you became disabled. You should also be aware that because you are going to have to do a lot of research on your new limb, that you should ask a lot of questions and find a qualified doctor to send you to a specialized clinic to learn more. Make sure that you are ready to take on the task of the extra care needed for a prosthetic device. Having a mechanical arm or leg is going to require a certain amount of maintenance for it to remain fully functional for its entire lifetime. Make sure you know what materials the prosthetic is made of and if you have any allergies to that material. Depending on the material, you will also learn a certain amount of the care procedures for the limb. Insurance coverage for prosthetics is on the rise. Better coverage for prosthetics and advances in the technology are responsible for the increase in coverage. If you are facing an amputation, you can plan ahead by getting information and technology for your new limb. Talk to different insurance providers to make sure that your plan best suits your needs. If the device is taken care of properly, you may even be eligible for free replacements in the future.

Are prosthetic hands waterproof?

totally. or else people would smell bad if they didnt take showers

How long does it take to stay off crack?

As long as you make it take.