Dave Matthews Band's drummer is named Carter Beauford.
Dave Matthews Band has six straight number one albums.
Spoon - Dave Matthews Band song - was created on 1998-04-28.
No. The only drummer for The Dave Matthews Band has been Carter Beauford.
Don't Drink the Water - Dave Matthews Band song - was created in 1998.
Dave Matthews Band's drummer is named Carter Beauford.
Halloween - Dave Matthews Band song - was created in 1998.
Dave Matthews Band has six straight number one albums.
Everyday - Dave Matthews Band song - was created on 2001-11-15.
Live Trax - Dave Matthews Band album - was created in 1995.
Everyday - Dave Matthews Band album - was created on 2001-02-27.
Spoon - Dave Matthews Band song - was created on 1998-04-28.
No. The only drummer for The Dave Matthews Band has been Carter Beauford.
A rock and alternative band
Don't Drink the Water - Dave Matthews Band song - was created in 1998.
Hopefully not :)
They don't. Dummy.