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It depends on the pedigree, the sex of the dog, whether it's been neutered, and how much you feed it. My male doberman, unaltered and light eater weighed about 60 lbs at that age. He was a slow grower compared to other dobes and had a lot more energy. It's better not to overfeed them at that age because they will grow too fast which leads to problems later in life. A full grown male should be about 27 to 28 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh about 90 lbs. Most reach their full grown height when they're about a year old then start to fill in with muscle. Neutering a male doberman before the age of 18 months causes them to grow too fast and they will end up with a build more similar to a female. Females, though, should be spayed at a young age. Some pedigrees reach full height at ten months and others can continue growing for as much as 14 months.

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Q: How much should a Doberman puppy weigh at nine months?
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