Elvis' original birth certificate is (justifiably) among the personal possessions of Lisa Marie Presley. For six decades now merchants have manufactured, and sold, replicas of his birth certificate along with several; copies, documents made with the imprint of Elvis' face listing his birthday, fake souvenir's, etc. Thus Elvis original birth certificate is in the hands of his (beloved) daughter and it's value is...priceless.
alot :)
As all singers do not fight for the nation , that photograph would be worth a great deal to a Elvis Presley fan, and they will spend thousands of pounds.
200 hundred pounds
Elvis' original birth certificate is (justifiably) among the personal possessions of Lisa Marie Presley. For six decades now merchants have manufactured, and sold, replicas of his birth certificate along with several; copies, documents made with the imprint of Elvis' face listing his birthday, fake souvenir's, etc. Thus Elvis original birth certificate is in the hands of his (beloved) daughter and it's value is...priceless.
Why would you want to sign a birth certificate?
alot :)
No, it's not. There's no market for it, no one reputable would buy it, and it's not something that's supposed to be sold.
Don't worry, it will be very easy to get a replacement birth certificate. First of all you must have the details relating to your birth. If you have the no of previous birth certificate it would be easier. The place which take the action would depend on the countries and it is normally the government regional office.
In this state the Mother can put any name she wishes on the birth certificate. It would be quite difficult to have your name removed from the birth certificate. It would be almost impossible to have the baby's name removed from the birth certificate. You could be Joe Smith and she could be Jane Miller. She could put the name Albert Einstein on the birth certificate and that would be the baby's name.
About .20cents.
As all singers do not fight for the nation , that photograph would be worth a great deal to a Elvis Presley fan, and they will spend thousands of pounds.
He showed his birth certificate to the public in 2008. Prior to that he would also have had to show it to get a drivers license, passport, register for college, etc.
You would have to find people that knew or were there at your time of birth and have them write a affidavit.
Yes, but the birth certificate image would not be considered a certified copy.
200 hundred pounds