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Carrie was 13 when she became a vegatarian

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Q: How old was Carrie Underwood when she became a vegatiran?
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Carrie Underwood was 21 when she became famous

When did Carrie Underwood become a vegetarian?

She became a vegetarian when she was 13 years old.

How old is Carrie Underwood in 2013?

Carrie Underwood is 30 years old in 2013

How old is Carrie Underwood and when was she born?

Carrie Underwood is 27 and was born March 10, 1983 .

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Carrie Underwood's baby was born on February 27th, 2015.

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carie Underwood is 38 years old

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Carrie Underwood was born March 10th, 1983. As of November 2013, she is thirty years old.

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Carrie Underwood was born on March 10, 1983. In mid-2010, she will be 27.

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Carrie Underwood was born on March 10, 1983. So she is almost 27

How old was Carrie Underwood when she first went to school?

Carrie was 5 years old

How old is Carrie Underwood?

Country singer Carrie Underwood is 35 years old (birthdate: March 10, 1983).