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The ticket is notification of the violation. The statute of limitations does not apply.

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What Country is Monteral in?

I'm assuming you meant "Montreal", in which case the answer would be Canada.

What is the statute of limitations on theft in Canada?

The statute of limitation for theft depends on the value of the items stolen. If the stolen goods cost less than $6,000 a thief cannot be prosecuted after six months.

Is there a statute of limitation for a DUI charge in Canada?

A statute of limitation NEVER applies to people who have been convicted or charged with any crime. If you rob a bank and hide for enough years you're home free. If you rob a bank and get convicted and then hide for years, you are still in trouble, Bubela.

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Wills do not expire. There is no statute of limitations associated with filing a will. There are limits on how long you have to contest a will. Check with a solicitor for your province.

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According to Google Maps from Montreal QC Canada to Winnipeg MB would be about 26 hours driving the 2,281 kilometers.

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Is there a statute of limitations on DUI's in british Columbia Canada?

yes six months