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Eventhough you have had your tubes tied, there is a possible chance that you could be pregnant but this is rare and also very dangerous. I suggest that you see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Q: I am 23yrs old I had my tubes tied after my 3rd baby 7mo ago I am having small signs of pregnancy menstrual cramps headaches most of all increase of appetite and some slight nausea can I be pregnant?
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Can a menstrual cycle increase your appetite?

yes, it often makes you have cravings for certain things..normally food x

What are the signs of pregnancy?

The signs of pregnancy can include, skipped monthly periods, morning nausea, increase in appetite, weight gain and swelling.

When you are pregnant with month does your appetite increase?

Yes, appetite increase while you are pregnant

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Headaches, tender or painful breasts and nipples are common signs of early pregnancy. Red, tender gums that bleed when you floss or brush are a sign of pregnancy gingivitis, found by about half of women during pregnancy it is caused by the increase in progesterone making your gums more sensitive to the bacteria in plaque and by the increase in the blood supply to your mouth.

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Is getting a headache when going to the bathroom a symptom of pregnancy?

They can be, but probably won't be the only symptom.It is indeed possible that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. It is quite normal to have more frequent headaches as your body changes in the first trimester. There are several good research sites with this information on it if you search them out or ask.They can be, but they probably won't be the only symptom.I would not consider headaches a sign of pregnancy. Headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many contributing factors to headaches, even dehydration. A missed period would be a more reliable sign.Hello,Yes they are.ANSWERHEY...I started my pregnancy with the headaches. To this day I still have them everyday or other day. It is a sign of pregnancyThere are a number of causes of headaches in early pregnancy. It can definitely be a sign. You will usually have other symptoms as well.i don't know if i am pregnant i always have headahes,vomitting and sometimes feel backpain.. every night i feel sick..Yes it is a definitely one of the pregnancy signs.Anyone can get headaches, leading to signs many problems humans have. I'm going with no. Although, headaches do occur with pregnancy, they also happen to people who have stress. Pregnancy can be stressful.

I am hungry all the times. Does that means i am pregnant?

Although an increased metabolism is common during pregnancy, it does not mean you are pregnant. There are several that you can see an increase in appetite other than pregnancy. If you are too concerned you should consider taking a pregnancy test the day of your expected period.

Are sore nipples and an increase in libido a sign of pregnancy?

It can be. If you are having symptoms that are unusual for you around the time of your period, then yes, they can very well be signs of pregnancy. Common symptoms women notice when they are early in their pregnancies are: Nausea, sore breasts and nipples, increase or decrease in appetite, increased urination, more emotional, breakouts, and an increase in cervical mucous.

Does lysovit help the body to with appetite?

yes it contains lysin which is appetite stimulant so ultimately it will increase your appetite and weight

Does Xanax increase appetite?

Yes, Xanax is known to stimulate the appetite. It is a benzodiazepine and most of them do.

Prescription drug that increases appetite?

Both Marinol and Periactin have been used to increase appetite.