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Yes, you are indeed lame. This may sound harsh, but you are superiously lame. Perhaps even worse than her Uncle Jack who brings his crocodile to Thanksgiving. But yes, you are lame. She does not like you, and never will, unless she proves me wrong and decides to like a lamo like you. Go to a woman's bookclub and learn how to make friends by reading an intensely feminine book. Given this, you may hate yourself because you lack the skills to be romantic like a character in the book, or you will try to learn to be better, like in the feminine books. There is a book, who's title I do not know, but it shows a title picture of Lady Liberty in a breezy skirt. I suggest you pick this book up, as it is a guide to women. There is one thing that they're wrong about though, it is the fact that women don't always mean what they say, because we in fact DO always mean what we say. Always.

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Q: If a girl says that a boy is lame does that mean she does not like him?
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