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These keys are the white ones on the piano, yes. These are the black notes on the piano.

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15y ago

black notes in keyboard are called markers. sharps (as in not flat and not natural)

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Q: If the white notes on a piano are called the 'natural notes' what are the black notes called?
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Related questions

What is a Natural Keyboard?

A natural on the piano/keyboard is a white bar. The black bars/notes are called flats or sharps. Hope i helped xxx

What are the natural notes in piano?

The white keys are called naturals.

How come the black keys on a piano can't be called naturals when some of the white keys can be flats and sharps too - such as E sharp?

None of the black keys cover any natural notes.

What are the black notes?

The black notes are simply the notes on a piano that are colored black. These are shorter than the white keys and are more elevated than the white keys. Their edges are also further towards the inside of the piano.

What are the notes to turn up the music on the piano?

The black notes on the RIGHT of their corresponding white notes

How many black notes are on the piano?


What does 36 B N on a P mean?

36 Black Notes (Keys) on a Piano

What are the piano notes for black keys by the Jonas brothers?

no where to be found.

What are the black notes on the keyboard?

There are only 7 full piano notes to remember. Notes of the black keys are easy to find once you learn the notes of the white piano keys.and those are the keyboard notes.

Is there A sharp in piano?

A sharp on the piano could be black notes or white ones. A sharp is note that is half a step above the natural note. A natural note is any of the white notes on your piano. For example if you played the G key on your piano you would be playing G natural. If you played the white note on the right of G you would be playing A. If you played the black note on the right of G in between G and A you would be playing G sharp or A flat. Hope that answers your question a sharp is half a step above a note and any of the black notes on the piano are one notes sharp and another notes flat. for example, E sharp would be F natural, a white key.

Why does a piano have black keys?

It is a convenient to choose those notes that are common to a small number of ...

What is the tone that is sounded about midway between two notes in the diatonic scale?

Those are sharp and/or flat notes. These are the black notes on the piano keyboard.