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A dotted quarter note gets 3 beats in 3/8 meter. The lower number in the time signature means that the 8th notes gets 1 beat, so every note value is doubled. Therefore, the quarter note, which normally gets 1 beat in 4/4, is doubled to 2 beats. The dot is equal to 1/2 beat, so doubled it gets 1. 2+1=3 beats.

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Q: In three eight time what is the value of a dotted quarter note?
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Related questions

Why is there a dotted quarter note if its just like a half note?

It's not a half note. A dot after a note increases it's duration by half the note's value. Therefore, a dotted quarter note is essentially a three-eighths note.

What is a rhythmic note with three beats?

It really depends on your time signature (that is what defines a beat as). In terms of the most common time signature 4/4, the note that has a rhythmic value of three beats is called a dotted half note.

How many dotted quarter notes are in a dotted whole note?

How many dotted quarter note equal eighth note

What is a dotted quarter note's value?

one and a half beats. its pretty easy when you get the hang of it

In music what is the value of the second dot in a double dotted note?

the second dot adds one quarter of its value

What has a dotted note that has three beats?

a dotted half note gets three beats. a "dot" adds half of the value of the note...for example half the value of a half note is one add that to the half note to get 3 beats

Why does dotted eight note and rest have three fourths beats?

Dot adds a value to a note and rest. For example the note is dotted eighth note, the original value of the eighth note is 1/2 and since it is a dotted note we are going to get half of its value (1/4) and we will add it to the original value. So we will be able to have 1/2 plus 1/4 is equal to 3/4..

How many beats does a dotted quarter note receive in four four time?

Dots at 1/2 the value of the previous note, so in 4/4 time, a dotted quarter note would receive 1.5 beats

How many beats are in a dotted minim?

A double dotted minim is made of 3 and a halfquarter beats; it is the minim (2 beats) plus half the minim (1 beat) plus half of the half a minim (half a beat). A double dotted crochet would be 1 and three quarter crotchet beats; the crochet (1 quarter beat) plus half the crochet (half a beat) plus half of that (a quarter of a beat). more info is on wikipedia

What note value completes an entire measure in the third fourth time?

A quarter note

Can a dotted quarter not fall on beat four of a measure?

Yes and no. In 4/4 the note with the greatest value that can begin on beat 4 is a quarter note. Now that quarter note could be tied to an 8th note to start the new measure which would be the same length as a dotted quarter but technically not the same. However a dotted quarter could begin on beat 4 in a different time signature. Think 5/4. Try it!

What are the kinds of notes and rest's?

Whole/Dotted whole note/rest, Half/Dotted Half note/rest, Quarter/Dotted Quarter note/rest, Eighth/Dotted Eighth note/rest, Sixteenth/Dotted Sixteenth note/rest. These are the most common note values. They do go on though. All you have to do is multiply each number by two. For example: the next note/rest value after sixteenth is Thirty-second/Dotted Thirty-second. Then sixty-fourth; and so on.