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Because Cherokees were forced to learn the ways of the "whites" and they learned how to read, write, and speak english. They also were forced to dress like them! They put makeup on the indians so they were white and not dark colored. The only way they adapted and were not forced into american culture was that the indians made their own constitution and their own capital copyrighting it from the americans.

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By being forced to speak, read and write English, the Cherokees were able to adopt the white culture.

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An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

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An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contacts with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.