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Percussion are instruments that the musician, one way or another, hit. Like drums, xylofone and so on.

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Q: Is a example of percussion instrument is a trumpet?
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What do you mean by percussion and non- percussion instrument?

A percussion instrument is an instrument that requires the player to hit it rather then say blow into it for example. An example of a percussion instrument would be a drum or a xylophone or the cymbals or a gong. An example of a non percussion instrument would be a trumpet or a violin or a trombone or a cello.

Is a trumpet percussion?

No, the trombone is a brass instrument. Other members of the brass family include the trumpet, baritone, French horn and tuba. Sound is produced by buzzing your lips into the instrument's mouthpiece. Pitch is controlled through tightening or loosening the lips while operating the valves, rotors or slide on the instrument. The trombone is the only brass instrument that uses a slide.

Is a trumpet a percussion instrument?

no because Trumpets are brasswind instruments - percussion instruments have to be struck in some way - such as a drum

What instrument did Quincy Jones play?

Trumpet, French Horn, Drums, Percussion, Vocals, Piano, Keyboard and Synthesizer.

What other instrument is in the same family as tambourine?

the tambourine belongs to the percussion family because you hit it

Which type of drums a pitched percussion instrument?

The Tabla is an example of a pitched percussion instrument. Another one is the Timpani.

A drum is an example of what type of instrument?


What musical family does the rhythm Sticks Trombone Tuba and the Trumpet belong to?

Trumpet, trombone, and tuba are all brass instruments. The other is a percussion instrument.

Is a violin an example of a percussion instrument?

nothing of the above is a string instrument which is played with a bow a brass intrument:trompet a string percussion:the greek (santouri) Most people classify the violin as a string instrument.

Is the pakhawaj a percussion instrument?

Yes it is a Percussion instrument.

What is percussion instrument?

An unpitched percussion instrument are the maracas.

What is a non-pitched instrument?

an instrument that is used in percussion that has no actual moving pitch. snare drum for example.