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Q: Is a treble clef line and a bass clef line joined together form what is called a Grand Staff?
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What is a treble and a bass staff together called?

The piano is one instrument that has the range to bridge the two staffs--bass and treble.

What is the correct term for the two staff music that is used for the piano?

It is called a grand staff. It has both treble and bass clefs, as it is two staffs put together. :)

When the treble clef and bass clef are combined they form what?

They aren't. There are 4 clefs; treble, alto, tenor, bass and you don't combine them into one stave.

What is created by a bass staff and a treble staff?

i think i know the answer... its the grand staff. you were probably doing a crossword puzzle from your teacher. Yeah, Im doing it too.

What is a Staff created by both the BASS STAFF and the TREBLE STAFf?

The Grand Staff

What note sits in he middle of the grand staff?

Ledger lines.

Is grandfather a compound word?

Yes, "grandfather" is a compound word made up of the two words "grand" and "father" joined together.

What consist of treble clef bass clef connected by a brace?

This is called the Grand Staff. It is commonly used for instruments with large ranges such as the piano and the organ. On the piano, the right hand usually plays the notes written in treble clef, and the left hand plays the bass clef notes.

Is grandparent a compound noun?

Yes, "grandparent" is a compound noun made up of the words "grand" and "parent" joined together to refer to the parent of one's parent.

What is the other name for the treble clef in music?

The proper name for the treble clef in music is the G clef, because the clef is a kind of medieval way of writing the letter G. You can see the simililarities in the shape of the clef to the shape of the upper-case (G) and lower-case (g) letters. The curved shape of the clef wraps around the second line from the bottom of the stave as though it is saying something about this line. It is actually saying that any note on this line is a G. Similarly, the "bass" clef is more properly known as the F clef because it is, again, an old-fashioned way of writing the letter F. The two dots above and below the second line from the top of the stave is saying something about this line, namely, that a note written on this line is an F.

When the treble clef and bass clef are combined they form?

Grand staff, which is primarily seen in piano and other keyboard music.

What instruments use treble clefs and what lowest and highest notes are?

im not sure about other instruments, but i play piano and i know for sure that it has treble clefs. the lowest note is A and the highest note is C. it's different for different pianos. But this is for a grand piano.