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An instrument is used to play music. Is the vuvuzela used in any songs you know of?

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13y ago

I would guess that the vuvuzela is in competition with the recorder as the most annoying instrument ever.

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Is the vuvuzela a traditional instrument in South Africa?


What was the name of the instrument that was in Fifi World Cup 2010?


What is the name of the instrument they use at the World Cup?

The instrument played at the world cup is called a "Vuvuzela"

What is the national musical instrument of South Africa?

The national instrument for south africa is the vuvuzela. it is played like a trumpet and looks like a horn. it comes in lots of colours and designs. some have extra beading on them with the national flag colours. they are used at sporting events and make a loud, booming sound.

The rumbling noise in all world cup football matches in the back ground what is that?

A horn type instrument called the vuvuzela.

Which musical instrument made problem in 2010 World Cup Football?

The Vuvuzela. People were playing them loudly during matches.

What is a vuvuzela and how did they become popular this past summer?

an African instrument made popular by the 2010 world cup held in Africa.

Which is the most popular instrument played by the spectators during the football world cup?

Many people are wondering what is this unique and strange sound while watching FIFA World cup Football in South Africa The sound is just like some rainy insects making sound in hills and jungles. At times it is very irritating.This hooter type strange sound is of an instrument known as VUVUZELA It is a blowing horn also know as Stadium Horn The other name of VUVUZELA is LepatataThe length of this stadium horn is around 2.13 and is made of plastic There is one more instrument which is similar to Vuvuzela and is used in Brazil. It is known as Corneta in BrazilVuvuzela is used from ages. Earlier it was used by the villagers when there used to be any community meeting. The instrument was blown to call the villagers to attend the meeting. The villagers used to make Vuvuzela with KUDU Horn Kudu is an animal(Antelop).Vuvuzela now is widely used in Football and Soccer matches in South Africa Since the FIFA World cup is being hosted by South Africa this time we are hearing this sound during live telecast of the matches.Many companies are making this instrument in South Africa and there is a controversy and fight over the patents for this blow horn.

How long is a vuvuzela?

A vuvuzela is about a little less than a yard long.

What is a vuvuzela made of?

Press your lips against the opening of the vuvuzela, keeping them together. Blow into the vuvuzela by making an oscillating sound almost as if you're mimicking the sound of the vuvuzela with your lips.

Why is the vuvuzela long?

A vuvuzela is long because the length produces the low sound.

What word was added to the dictionary because of the world cup?

Vuvuzela,a African musical(?) instrument was added in dictionary because of its popularity in fifa world cup 2010.