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Yes, surgery of any kind (a shock to the system) can cause your body to be "out of whack" for a while, including your cycle. It should regulate itself in a couple months.

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Q: Is an irregular period after a tubal ligation in which clamps were used normal?
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Does a late period in a woman who received tubal ligation mean she could be pregnant?

Tubal ligation is not 100 percent effective, although it is nearly so. However, one ramification of the surgery is that periods can be irregular.

What should you do if you only had a one day period?

If its your first period or your irregular its normal but if your not irregular it might just be spotting go to the doctor just in case.

Why are my periods irregular when they used to be normal?

your period will never be the same everytime

Is it normal to miss your next period or have an irregular cycle after stopping taking the pill?

Yes this is normal. Your period should return to a normal cycle within 3 months.

When on jasmin can you be pregnant and still get your period?

you can still have your period during pregnancy but it does not usually seem to be normal when you are pregnant mosly irregular

What happens if you miss your period but your a virgin?

don't worry your periods are just irregular. its completely normal.

Do you have to be on your period to have tubal ligation?

No way

Does the 30 day waiting period also apply to Florida?

What is the waiting period in Florida for a tubial ligation? Can the waiting period be waived? What is the waiting period in Flrida for a tubila ligation?

Can you be late then get a light period lasting 3 weeks followed by a heavy period?

you can if you are just starting. it's normal for an irregular flow.

Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

What does it mean if you have started your period in the space of 2 weeks of your last period?

its just irregular, this is normal for the first years, up to 3 or even 4 years until your period cycle will become normal.

When you start your period is it a normal cycle at first?

Usually not at first but sometimes it is irregular for quite some time