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When your C is too low, this could mean a few things; 1) Your reed could be badly scraped and have a "ditch" in it, 2) It could be a problem with your Oboe, 3) The C is possibly the least stable note of the oboe, so you could be biting on the reed or not using enough air.

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Q: Is c natural an out of tune note on oboe?
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Is the oboe d'amore higher or lower in pitch than the orchestral oboe?

The oboe d'amore is in A; the oboe is in C. The oboe d'amore is a minor third lower in pitch than the oboe, however typically music for the oboe d'amore is written so that oboe fingerings may be used (in other words, the note A is printed as a C, so that the player uses the oboe fingering for C but the note sounds a minor third lower).

What is the tunning note of a oboe?

I Dunno :L Edit: The highest note possible is an A above high C; or 4 ledger lines above the staff. In most of the common repetoire, however, oboes rarely play anything above the D above the staff.

Which note does an orchestra tune to?

a above the middle C

What pitch is used to tune an orchestra?

Currently in America it is set at A=440, however, some European orchestra like to go a little higher anywhere from 442-5 but in music history A has ranged anywhere from 425-460 if not a wider range of variance

What note does the orchestra play for them all to tune to?

Middle 'C'

What is the frequency of a oboe?

The oboe is in the key of C. When an oboe plays its A, it is 440Hz.

Is an oboe a c instrument?

Depends on what kind of oboe it is. There are C oboes, but most of them is not.

How low can a flute go?

If you have a Bfootjoint... the lowest note is a B natural, one note below Middle C. If you have a Cfootjoint.. the lowest note is a C natural or Middle C.

What is the lowest note on the oboe?

The lowest note on the oboe is a B flat below middle C. However, many student oboes lack the necessary key to play this note. In these beginner oboes, the lowest note is a B below middle C. It is still possible to play a B flat on these beginner oboes by plugging the low B flat hole with your knee or leg.

What role did c play in entertainment?

If you mention the note c in music, it's used to raise a pitch in the tune of the instrument.

What is the arpeggio of the f major scale for oboe?

The arpeggio is the root, 3rd, and 5th of the scale. In F major, those note are F A C.

What key is an oboe in?

It is in C. That is not to say that that is the easiest key to play in - that is probably G or D!