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Q: Is hazel sorta like brown
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What color of eyes does Zayn Malik like on a girl?

he likes brunettes and girls with brown eyes... which doesn't really explain perrie but whatever

What do you call the greenish brown color?

hazel (like eyes)

What color is pardos?

The word "pardo" is the color HAZEL in the Spanish language. Not brown like someone stated.

How do you know if your eyes are hazel or brown?

if you are not sure if they are brown or hazel, they are most likely brow or pure hazel. pure hazel is a light brown, golden brown, or has yellow in it. pure hazel eyes most likely have a grey/green rim as well.

When was Hazel Johnson-Brown born?

Hazel Johnson-Brown was born in 1927.

When did Hazel Johnson-Brown die?

Hazel Johnson-Brown died in 2011.

What eye color does Nick Jonas like on a girl?

Brown or hazel

Are combination blue and brown eyes classified as hazel?

No. Hazel is classified as green and brown.

What color brown and brown eyes make?

I think it is hazel but im not sure Hazel

If your uncle has hazel eyes both of his parents have brown eyes and both of your parents have brown eyes and you have brown eyes do you carry that recessive gene hazel eyes?

You do carry the gene. But, brown overpowers most colors so it is more likely your children will have brown eyes. Lets say you have 4 children. 3 of them will mostly likely have brown eyes. 1 of your children will most likely have hazel eyes. (This is all circumstantial. But this is what happens on average.) Two of your children (Including hazel eyes) might carry the gene. This is sorta like the birthing of children. If everything worked out like above, you would be able to plan how many girls and boys you would have. But this could easily change. All of your children might have brown eyes, or you might have 3 children with hazel. it all depends. -Actually, if hazel eyes are recessive, it's difficult to tell, since if both parents have brown eyes then it's possible for your parents to have given you both dominant alleles, as the parent on your uncles side may not even have it since they are in the same situation. the odds are 75% that that parent has the hazel gene, but you can't be 100% positive. And if they do have it, there's only a 50% chance it would be passed on to you.

What is hazel in Irish?

'Hazel' is coll; a hazel tree is crann coill.'Hazel eyes' is súile donna (lit. brown) or súile cnódhonna (lit. nut-brown).

My eyes are not dark brown at all. They are lighter than light brown but they arent hazel. Are my eyes very light brown or is it counted as being hazel eyes?

What people dont know is that theres different variations of hazel. you have dark hazel eyes. people with more green than brown are light hazel and people with an equal color of green and brown r medium hazel.