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Usually, having knack to play any instrument is hereditary.

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Q: Is playing the flute hereditary
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Related questions

Do you curl your fingers when playing the flute?

Yes, you curl your fingers when playing the flute.

When did jeanne baxtresser start playing the flute?

She started playing the flute when she was in fourth grade.

Is the Flute played by using a Reed?

nope but depends on what type of flute he/she is playing

Can you eat while playing a flute?


Why won't my flute play E?

It depends.. What is wrong with your flute.. Are you playing the right fingerings??

Who is famous in Australia for playing the flute?

the traitional flute is the didgeridoo, the australians play the didgeridoo in australia.

Is there a flute playing in the song criminal?


Who is the flute playing Indian God?

Lord Krishna used to have a flute in his hand always. He can play it well. He is known to be a shepard and has flute in hand.

What can a flute be used for?

A Flute is used for playing music. It usually plays in the higher notes, depending on what kind you have.

How do you get your brother to stop playing the flute?

Take the flute from him and whack him over the head with it. That should work :D

What is the hands position for flutes?

There are different hand position for playing a flute. It depends on what you are trying to play on the flute.

Is playing the flute fun?

It might be, but it depends what you think. (It is to me)