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no,if you practice an instrument for a long time that's good,when if you practice it for a short time if at all THAT IS BAD

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Q: Is playing the guitar too long bad?
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Related questions

Can playing guitar too long hurt you?

not really the longer you play and pratice, the better you get.

Is 28 too old to start playing the guitar?

No, your never too old to start playing a instument! You could be good by 30!

Is playing a guitar worthwhile?

I think it is.... I'm a girl and i think that seeing a guy play the guitar is the hottest thing ever!!! lol...i love playing the guitar too but when ia guy is playing the guitar u can see that he has a passion for something and that he can truly commit to something.

Is brushing for too long bad for teeth?

It probably is not bad for you but if you brush your teeth too hard AND too long then that's too bad for you.

How long does it tack to learn guitar?

to be really good at it it takes a really long time......but ive been playing for seven years and theres always something new to learn.if your going to learn it i would start by taking guitar lessons. it takes a lot of time too

Addicted to playing guitar?

Yeah, it's really hard to get unattached to, it's too fun!

Has Justin Bieber always liked singing?

Yess, he has always had a passion for singing and playing the guitar too! he even has his own youtube account from when he was 12! and it has got him singing and playing the guitar before he was famous!

What does mean someone enters house and leaves guitar broken?

Probably don't like guitar playing for one reason or another. i.e. Too loud, maybe?

Who is known for playing the guitar?

Who is known for playing guitar? That depends on what style of guitar is being played. There are far too many great guitarist who are known for their virtuosity across all styles. My favorites include Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton. Jimmy Page, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Mark Knopler, Duane Allman, and far too many more to list.

Is it bad to use the computer before you sleep?

No, unless if you use too long. You can get pretty bad eye-strain if you're on it for too long.

Why do you get dizzy playing MW3?

That's because you have been singing and dancing and playing the guitar for such a long time and you move your head.mostly because of your head so i suppose you don't move your head or you will get dizzy and puke.

What makes your eyes bad?

sitting too close to your tv,staring at a light bulb for too long, staring at the sun for too long,almost anything can make your eyesight go bad.