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Q: Is sparrow larger than cardinal
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Is robin larger than sparrow?

The sparrow is larger than robin because it is fat and taller.

What is the top predator of a cardinal finch?

Sparrow Grapists.

What is a dark brown bird with long pointy yellow beak and is larger than a sparrow and found in upstate NY?

A Lincolns Sparrow is dark brown with a long yellow pointy beak and larger than a normal Sparrow. It is also found in the north near New York.

What kind of bird has tail feathers with bright yellow tips and is a little bigger than a sparrow It also has a pointed crest like a cardinal but not red?

Cedar Waxwing

What are some Bird names?

There are several different types of species of birds. Some bird names are Robin, Cardinal, Dove, Hummingbird, Akikiki, Sparrow, and Mockingbird.

What bird is bigger than a sparrow?

An osthrich is bigger than a sparrow.

What is larger a cardinal or a robin?

Yes, even bigger than the largest wren species.

Is a sparrow hawk bigger than a kestral?

The sparrow hawk is a little bit smaller than a kestral.

How smart is the rook compared to the sparrow?

Much more intelligent than a sparrow.

Sparrow egg shell has yellow stuff coming out?

this could just be the yoke sparrow eggs cardinal eggs blue jay eggs all bird eggs are like a chickens the yellow stuff is probably just the yoke coming out

Is a wren bigger than a sparrow?

For the most part yes. Wrens are pretty smaller than thrushes.

What bird cracks seeds with its bill?

Many birds are able to crack seeds with their bills. The sparrow, finch, grosbeak and cardinal crack seeds with their bills.